Understanding God's Universe

Journey Through Space, Time, and the Bible

Represented by: Steven Hutson, Literary Agent www.wordwisemedia.com

Many people in our culture today believe that science and Christianity are in conflict and that science has disproved the Bible. As a result, many Christians have lost faith in God. People who are considering Christianity are unlikely to find salvation if their Christian friends cannot answer their questions. Young Christians are leaving the church because they are not getting answers to questions raised by their High School and College curriculum.

What many people don’t realize is that God's creation, including everything scientists can observe, is consistent with God’s word. This book exposes the assumptions scientists make when developing theories about the past, such as the big bang theory. The real issue is worldview since we all have the same data. This book will address questions regarding the scientific worldviews, why we can trust the Bible, and the incredible physical laws that govern our universe.

Join a physicist with a biblical world view as he takes a deep, exciting, and honest look at the Bible, science, and the universe. In this book he demonstrates that there is no conflict between God’s word and what scientists observe and measure. The purpose of this book is to encourage, equip, educate, and entertain you.  Christians will be encouraged and their faith in God and His word will grow when they see that there are answers to skeptics’ questions. This book will also equip young Christians and parents that do not have answers to questions raised by their high school and college curriculum. It will educate you. The more we learn about science, the less blind faith we have in the theories that come out of the secular science community. Finally, It will entertain you. God must have a sense of humor because he created people in His image.

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech; they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world

(Psalm 19:1-4)

Table of Contents

1. The Journey

2. Knowledge, Authorities, and Worldviews

3. Scientific and Biblical Worldviews

4. God, the Bible, and Creation

5. Can We Trust the Bible?

6. Space, Time, and Matter

7. The Strange Physics of High Speed

8. The Strange Physics of Gravity

9. The Strange Physics of the Very Small

10. A Brief History of Astronomy

11. Hubble and the Big Bang

12. Big Problems for the Big Bang

13. Alternative Cosmologies

14.   The Destination